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Best Yoga Pose For Inner Peace

Best YOGA poses for Inner Peace

Yoga is a systemic practice of physical, mental and spiritual state of the body which was originated in ancient india. Yoga is a practice of breadth control, diet control, relaxation, positive thinking and meditation which helps in gaining harmony in the body, mind and surrounding environment. The purpose of yoga is not only to keep good physical shape but also experience inner relaxation which is much more needed.
Many of us doesn’t understand what yoga really means. It’s not just closing your eyes and sitting in some well mannered pose. Yoga is something when you do, you feel your soul being alive.

     1.   Easy pose (Sukhasana)

5 Steps to Finding Ease in Sukhasana - “Easy” Pose | YogaUOnline

·         Sit on the floor with legs stretched out allowing your legs to relax.

·         Fold your left leg and tug inside your right thigh and vice versa.

·       Keep your hands on the knees. Chin mudra or Jnana mudra can be used if your meditating.

·         Sit with your spine straight and your chest open.

·         Relax your whole body and concentrate on your breathe.

·         Maintain this pose for as long as you feel comfortable.


·         Being in a meditative pose, it has relaxing effects on mind and body.

·         It helps in reducing stress and anxiety.

·         It also gradually strengthens muscles of the back and improves body posture.

·         It builds physical and mental balance.

      2. Standing Forward Bend with Shoulder open (Uttanasana)

Uttanasana | The Balanced Yogi - Unifying the Body, Mind, and Spirit.

         This pose is done by standing straight in the position of Tadasana.

·         Keeping your hands on hips, exhale and bend forward until the palms are placed on the floor.

·         With your knee straight bring your palms in front or besides the feet. If possible take your palms around the back of the ankle.

·         Stay in this position for about 30 seconds or one minute.

·         While inhaling in the position, lift and lengthen the front torso and while exhaling bend little more fully to the ground.

·         Bring your hands back onto your hips and reaffirm the length of front torso.

·         Come up on inhalation with a long torso.


·         It relaxes your mind and nerves.

·         It reduces stress, anxiety and mild depression.

·         It helps in strengthening thighs and knees.

·         Actively stretches your hips, hamstrings and calves.

·         Improves posture and body balance.

·         It helps in controlling high blood pressure.

     3.  Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

 Adho Mukha Svanasana: Steps, Benefits & Precautions - YogaHolism

  •          Come onto the floor on your hands and knees. 
  •        Place your knees directly below hips and hands forward of your shoulders.  
  •        Spread your palms parallel or slightly turned out and turn your toes under.
  •          Exhale and lift your knees away from the floor.
  •          With the exhalation, push your top thighs back and stretch your heels towards the floor.
  •          Stay in this position for 1-3 minutes and then bend your knees to the floor with an exhalation and rest.


  • Calms the brain and helps in relieving stress and mild depression.
  • Energizes the body.
  • Stretches the shoulders, calves and hands.
  • Strengthens the arms and legs
  • Improves digestion.



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